Sponsorship Opportunities

Pharmaceutical Companies /Other companies related to blood and marrow transplantation and cell therapy may become sponsors of APBMT.

APBMT Corporate Sponsorship

We take great pleasure in inviting you as our corporate sponsor. The corporate sponsor support APBMT activities and accomplish some benefits. If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor of APBMT, clock here to download Letter of intent for donation.

For any question or for more information regarding the corporate sponsor, please APBMT secretariat.


APBMT Advertising Contribution

If you would like to advertise your company by putting logo/banner on APBMT website, click here to download Banner Contract application.

For any question or for more information regarding the corporate sponsor, please contact APBMT secretariat.


APBMT Annual Congress Sponsorship

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for APBMT Annual Congress, please contact annual organizing office.  >>APBMT annual congress 2024